Healing Indulgence

Healing Indulgence 

What is Entrainment?

In 1666 Dutch physicist Christian Huygens, the inventor of the pendulum clock noticed that the pendulums of 2 clocks mounted on the same wall had synchronised! This was the birth of the term “entrainment”.


“Entrainment involves the ability of the more powerful rhythmic vibrations of one object to change the less powerful rhythmic vibrations of another object and cause them to synchronise their rhythms with the first object. Through sound it is possible to change the rhythms of our brainwaves, as well as our heart beat and respiration.” 

Jonathon Goldman, Resonant Sounds


Examples of Entrainment:

  • Women living together and their menstrual cycles synchronise;
  • Talking to someone who is anxious…you start to feel anxious;
  • Talking to someone who is very relaxed (monk / swami) brings you into a state of relaxation;
  • Listening to fast fitness music and you exercise for longer than if there was slow or no music;
  • A baby’s heart beat will synchronise to the slow steady beat of a lullaby being sung to them.

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