Healing Indulgence

Healing Indulgence 

Sound healing is based on the idea that everything in the universe, including our bodies, is in a state of vibration.

Healing Indulgence

Join us as we present energetic healing and subtle yoga, immerse yourself in a soothing sound bath, rest in a tranquil space as you are bathed in the sound and vibrations of pure quartz crystal singing bowls.

Let your mind go as this subtle energy resonates with your own frequency to promote healing from within.

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Just for a moment, be still and listen. You will be touched by sound.

Experience energetic healiing with

Trippy Trev

For many years I performed as a flow artist & fire twirler so most of my friends still call me me by my stage name “Trippy Trev”

I have spent the last 23 years learning to harness and use the subtle energy generated through the arts of Lomi-Lomi massage, Thai massage, Reiki and sound healing.

“I live by the principal of Ahimsa. I practice this ancient principal of nonviolence towards all living beings.”

Read my story

Learn the subtle arts of yoga with

Yogacharini Penelope Prana

I am a Yogacharini. I have practiced Yoga for 30 years and guided others on the path of Yoga for the past decade. 

Subtle Yoga practices are the foundation of my selfcare skillset and continue to help me navigate the complex existence of being human.

My vision is a world populated with compassionate, collaborative communities connected with Mother Earth.

“I feel best when I share what I know.”

Meet Penelope

Collaborate With Us

Raise funds for your organisation by hosting a Healing Indulgence experience.

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2022 – 2024 Healing Indulgence