Healing Indulgence

Healing Indulgence 

Binaural Beats

When two tones of slightly different frequencies are played in separate ears simultaneously, the human brain perceives the creation of a new, third tone, whose frequency is equivalent to the difference between the two tones being played. This auditory illusion is called a binaural beat.

If a person hears a tone of 432 Hz in one ear and a tone of 440 Hz in the other, they would be hearing a binaural beat with a frequency of 8 Hz.

When you listen to binaural beats, your brain activity matches the frequency set by the frequency of the beat. This is called the frequency-following effect. This means you can use binaural beats to entrain your mind to reach a certain mental state

Located in the brain stem, the superior olivary complex is the first part of the brain that processes sound input from both ears. The superior olivary complex synchronizes various activities of the many neurons in the brain. This complex responds when it hears two close frequencies and creates a binaural beat, which changes the brain waves. The synchronization of the neural activities across the brain is called entrainment.

Entrainment isn’t just related to binaural beats. It is a common part of brain function. According to some researchers, when you listen to certain binaural beats, they can increase the strength of certain brain waves. This can increase or hold back different brain functions that control thinking and feeling.

Neurons in your brain use electrical signals to create thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. When neurons synchronize, this creates brain waves. Brain waves can be measured by a technique called electroencephalography (EEG). This technique involves electrodes put on the scalp to record electric signals.

Brain waves can range from low frequency to high amplitude and high frequency to low amplitude. The brain waves create binaural beats. This leads to different mental states which affect the brain in different ways.

The Effects & Benefits of Alpha Waves

  • Balanced mood:
    Individuals that are depressed as a result of being “over-stressed” could feel an antidepressant effect when their alpha activity increases. Alpha activity – specifically in the right hemisphere of the brain has been shown to boost mood. Some people also experience a more “balanced” mood when they increase their alpha waves.
  • Calmness:
    Most people associate the alpha range with feelings of calmness. People that are stressed have a diminished ability to produce these waves. When we are at our calmest with our eyes closed and are idly relaxing, this is when we experience alpha as a dominant brain wave state.
  • Creativity:
    It has been hypothesized that alpha activity is linked to increases in creativity. Since it is produced predominantly by the right hemisphere, it is thought that it may enhance artistic ability as well as creative problem solving skills. Sometimes when we relax, we experience “aha” moments – this is a result of the alpha wave. It is creative, relaxed, problem solving which gives us a different perspective.
  • Daydreaming:
    If you close your eyes or daydream a lot, this may be evidence of alpha increases. Most adults tend to be very focused and task-oriented. Alpha is more common in younger children that tend to daydream a lot and have difficulties focusing. In some cases, it is even linked to ADHD if the increased alpha is accompanied by other slow wave activity (e.g. theta).
  • Decreased focus:
    During the alpha brain wave state, many individuals have poorer focus and concentration. It has been shown that the greater the amount of alpha activity, the more likely someone is to make a mistake. Studies have shown that when someone makes a mistake, alpha activity increases an average of 25%. In other words, the person is on “auto pilot” or too “idle” to perform a certain task. When alpha decreases, attention and focus increase. Therefore, alpha is not ideal for critical thinking and/or detail-oriented, technical work.
  • Flow state of mind:
    It has been thought that the 10 Hz alpha wave is key in a “flow” state of consciousness. A state of flow is characterized by being calm and focused at the same time. In other words, the saying “mind like water” holds true. It is able to go with the flow without getting overly aroused or being “idle.” This is considered a happy medium between the fast paced The main types of brain waves and their frequenciesRead more about Alpha Brain Waves at Mental Health Daily

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